
The simplicity of hacking electric cars at charging stations and how GRID.com helps

In the rapidly growing world of electric vehicles (EVs), cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly significant concern, particularly around charging infrastructure.

In the rapidly growing world of electric vehicles (EVs), cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly significant concern, particularly around charging infrastructure. Recent research has indicated that electric cars and their charging stations are surprisingly vulnerable to hacking. This raises questions about the safety of EVs and the need for enhanced security measures.

Cybersecurity concerns at EV charging stations

Electric cars and charging stations are increasingly becoming targets for hackers, partly due to their growing reliance on software and connectivity. Research has shown that certain charging stations are easy to hack, which not only endangers the charging infrastructure but also the personal data of users and other connected devices.

Vulnerabilities and risks

Cybersecurity company Computest experts have discovered vulnerabilities in various charging stations, allowing hackers to manipulate them and gain access to users' networks. Such vulnerabilities pose a risk to the privacy and safety of EV users and highlight the necessity of improved security protocols.

GRID's role in secure charging experiences

In light of these concerns, GRID.com offers a solution to enhance the reliability of charging stations. With the introduction of 'GRID Verified', GRID.com commits to verifying the accuracy and reliability of charging station data. Charging stations with the 'GRID Verified' label have been checked by GRID for correct and up-to-date information, significantly reducing the chance of users arriving at a non-working charging station.

The importance of 'GRID Verified'

'GRID Verified' plays a crucial role in ensuring a reliable charging experience for EV users. By displaying verified and trustworthy charging stations, GRID.com helps users plan their charging sessions more efficiently and with greater confidence. This initiative underscores the importance of accurate data in the EV charging infrastructure and GRID.com's dedication to improving the EV driving experience.


As the EV market continues to grow, it is essential that cybersecurity becomes an integral part of the development of charging infrastructure. GRID.com's commitment to verifying charging station data through 'GRID Verified' is a step forward in protecting EV users against the risks of unreliable charging stations. By working together and remaining aware of cybersecurity risks, we can ensure a safer future for electric driving.